Peiling Ke, Prof.
Last update:2024-08-03

Peiling Ke, Professor

Personal Details
Tel: +86-574-86685036
Add: Division of surface engineering
         Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering
         Chinese Academy of Sciences
         No.519, Zhuangshi Road, Zhenhai District
         Ningbo 315201, Zhejiang
         P.R. China

Aug. 2009-Until now: Associate Professor, Ningbo Institute of Material Technology & Engineering (NIMTE), Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. 
1. Development of High power impulse magnetron sputtering (HIPIMS).
2. Research on the solid lubricant thin film
Dec. 2007-Jul. 2009: R&D Manager, HuijinTeer Coatings Co. Ltd., China. 
1. Coating processing and production applications on the tools to provide corrosion, lubrication protection under work conditions;
2. New type coatings development to meet the need of target market.
Dec. 2006-Dec. 2007: Honorary Research Fellow, Interdisciplinary Research Center in Materials, University of Birmingham, UK, Coating study to overcome embrittlement of TiAl-base alloy (European framework 6 “IMPRESS” project). 
Sep. 2001-Sep. 2006: PhD in Material Sciences, Division of Surface Engineering, Institute of Metal Research (IMR), CAS, Shenyang, .P.R. China. 
Topics: Study on Thermal Shock Cycling Behaviors and Failure Mechanisms of Thermal Barrier Coatings Obtained by Detonation Gun Spraying
Superadvisor: Prof. Yanchun ZHOU and Prof. Chao SUN
Jun. 2005-Jun. 2006: Visiting PhD, financially supported by CAS, Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, UK, TBCs for gas turbine using EBPVD (Rolls-Royce project).

 Development of High power impulse magnetron sputtering (HIPIMS).
 Research on the solid lubricant thin film. 


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