NewsOn Oct. 28, Prof. Kwang-Ryeol Lee was invited by Prof. Aiying Wang to visit Ningbo Institute of Industrial Technology. The deputy director of Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Prof. Runwei Li awarded Prof. Lee Distinguished Professor of CNITECH. Prof. Liping Wang, Prof. Aiying Wang, Prof. Peiling Ke from Key Laboratory of Marine Materials and Related Technologies, and Mr. Liyi Zhang from Human Resource attended the Appointment Ceremony.
After the ceremony, Prof. Lee gave invited report named “Computational Approach to Understand the Materials Phenomena”. In the report, he introduced the general situation of KIST, the role of Computational Science Center, the priority research fields and his research group. Then he told the meaning of computer science of materials. He quoted the famous US computer scientist R.W. Hamming “The Purpose of Computing is insight, not number.”, and took the moon orbit for example to clarify how did the computer science help human to realize the real physical world. In the following section, based on the research of his own, Prof. Lee shared experience with us on how to interpret experimental results through material calculation and introduced the latest application of material computing on the design and selection of new materials, such as advanced photothermic conversion materials, high K dielectric materials and nanocomposite carbon based thin films. In the Q&A session, Prof. Lee and researchers had a good interaction about material design and preparation, engineering application, and theoretical calculations, etc.
Dr. Kwang-Ryeol Lee, is currently the Principal Research Scientist, Computational Science Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Korea. Dr. Lee graduated from Seoul National University with the major of Metallurgical Engineering, and received his doctorate degree at KAIST. In 1988, he joined Division of Applied Science at Harvard University. In 1991, he joined KIST and has been studying both fundamental aspects and industrial application of the DLC coating technology. In 2001, he extended his research to computational nano-science. Now, he is developing web-based platforms to reduce the entrance barrier to this research field. Since 2006, he has been international advisory committee member of Asian Consortium on Computational Materials Science. As of Sep. 2016, he has total citation about 5,258 with H-index 39, and filed >60 patents. He received 4 times the Best Research Award of KIST, the Commendation of the Prime Minister of Korea in 2005, and Innovative Research Award at Nano Korea 2016.
Under the auspices of the Zhejiang Seagull Project, Prof. Lee will cooperate with us on carbon based thin film preparation and theoretical calculation through academic exchanges, instrument sharing, personnel exchanges, etc. During his visiting in NIMTE, we carried out exchanges and discussions about the work, and arranged the further works and personnel exchanges programs.
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